This site was created some time ago, primarily because I went to a high school that was big on PCs. There were comparatively few Macintoshes there, and the ones that teachers had bought themselves were older. Thus, the student population was in the midst of a bit of Microsoft-worship. The fact that Doom and Quake were only available at Costco for PCs didnt help either.
So, I made this site to tell people what I thought of the Mac. Because everyone else seemed so intent on telling me I was wrong. [Note that although most of my comments pertain to OS9, the relative differences between Mac OSX and Windows XP still remain.]
And it appears I'm not alone. Since Apple took down their "Why Mac?" site some number of years ago, John Droz, Jr. (from New York and North Carolina) has started his own Mac advocacy page. He's been working on getting his local school district to ditch a Windows migration plan in favor of keeping a Mac architecture --- one that was mostly already in place. He has some very convincing reasearch (and detail that puts this site to shame ;) that I recommend y'all head over and take a look at.
In fact, people frequently used disparaging comments with regards to Macs and Mac users. These sites certainly make no effort to raise the quality of the Windows argument, if the copious use of cursing is any indication.
Nowadays, since Ive been working with graphic artists, that kind of Mac-disdain has all but disappeared, because all the artists (myself included) use Macs.
So, regardless, here it is. My proof. Its been completely rewritten to include some of the latest new features of Windows and Mac OS, including Mac OS X.
As always, make your own judgments: I'm not here to preach to you. Think for yourself, and weigh all the options. If you still feel that the Windows/Intel combination computer is superior to the Macintosh, that's your decision. Even though every cell in my brain says you're not thinking clearly, I'll just shake my head and walk off.